OpenFlow Data Plane Abstraction (OF-DPA) API Guide and Reference Manual
Building the Tool Chain

In this section we discuss how to build a new tool chain from source.

Note: This should only be done when the supplied binary tool chain is not compatible with your platform.

Host Requirements


The tool chain source is supplied as a compressed tar ball. The tools MUST be installed as follows:

  unix% su
  # cd /
  # rm -rf /projects/nwsoft-toolchains/brl
  # tar jxf ./brl2.0-toolchain-el5.tar.bz2
  # ln -s /projects/nwsoft-toolchains/brl/brl_2.0.1/ /projects/nwsoft-toochains/brl/brl_2.0 

The brl_2.0 symbolic link shown above allows one to maintain multiple version of the tool chain and easily migrate users to different versions.

Change your directory to the appropriate tools directory and build the host librarires as indicated below. The script must be successfully executed at least once to build any of the target architectures.

  # cd /projects/nwsoft-toolchains/brl/brl_2.0.1/
  # ./scripts/

To build the tool chain for all target architectures, execute the script as listed below. If not all target architectures are desired, you can execute any any of the three scripts listed below to selectively build the toolchain for a particular architecture, e.g. execute only the script to build the GTO architecture toolchain.

  # ./scripts/
  # ./scripts/
  # ./scripts/

After the build completes, you can find the builds in the build directory indicated in the script output (typically /projects/nwsoft-toolchains/brl/brl_2.0).

You can remove the interim object files or clean the entire build tree using the clean or distclean arguments to the build script.